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Double Wedding Ring
4 Half days
Cost £137.50 including joining fee and
Marti Michel Double Wedding Ring Template set
No current dates available
The Double Wedding Ring quilt pattern has long been a symbol of love and romance with its interlocking rings symbolizing marriage. The quilt was traditionally made by mothers and grandmothers for their children and given as gifts on their wedding day or anniversaries and many families treasure these quilts and pass them from generation to generation.
On this mini course you will find out about different types of rings, use Marti Michell Templates (included) to cut accurate sections and learn the piecing techniques involved. You will be able to choose whether to make a 4 ring table centre, a 9 ring lap quilt (or tablecloth) or make a start on your own 30 or even 42 ring heirloom bed quilt!
If you already have the template set the cost of the course will be reduced to £110.
Experience Level - Advanced - This course is suitable for anyone who has completed various classes or has a good working Knowledge of Patchwork and Quilting
Please see FAQ for commonly asked questions such as “what do I need to bring to class?”