Westalee Rulers Follow-On Day
Full Day Class - £49.50
Ref 160/2018
Monday 30th April 2018 9.30am to 3.30pm
Please note: You can only book this class if you have already attended the Westalee Ruler Starter Day.
Learning how to use Westalee Rulers is the first step on a journey to beautiful quilting. Whether you are working on Quilt as You Go blocks or a bigger quilt project getting the finishing touches right is important.
However, when it comes to applying the knowledge gained on the Westalee Ruler starter day to your latest project, it can be a bit scary. Especially when using rulers on a pieced block or quilt for the first time or combining Westalee Ruler work and Free Motion designs.
It is only with practice and encouragement that you get to know which designs work well and help you achieve the results you desire. So, by request I have developed this Westalee Follow-on day to give you that additional support.
I have also designed a follow-on day for general Free Motion Quilting work which aligns closely with this technique.
For more information please go to FMQ Follow-On Page.
On the day you will refresh the basic principles for ruler work, look at design elements in pieced blocks, and take those first steps towards quilting designs with rulers onto your chosen project.
Full details will be sent on booking, but you will need to bring:
Your sewing machine with extension table and the Westalee Ruler Foot and Starter set
A practice quilt sandwich with low loft wadding – calico or similar will be fine
3 or 4 pieced blocks (12’’–15’’ is a good size) made into sandwiches with low loft wadding that you will work on
Optional: A quilt top or other blocks to discuss quilting designs