Well, the 2016 Project Linus sewing days have been very busy indeed! We spent two days sewing and quilting and made more quilts than I could have ever imagined.
On the first day at the Cadet Centre the troops completed 43 quilt tops made from squares and donated orphan blocks and had a thoroughly enjoyable day at the same time!

There were a number of visitors throughout the day from organisations that benefit from the donation of Project Linus quilts.

Amongst them were representatives from the QE talking about Teenage Cancer patients, Therapists, Bereavement counsellors and a lady talking about the work at Women's Refuges.
We all love to sew, but it is great to hear about the brilliant work that all of these people do to make the lives of children in need better, and gives us even more drive to keep donating time to make the quilts that we hear mean so much to the children that receive them.

The second day was held at the Cotton Patch Studio, where we managed to quilt 50 quilts over the course of 5 hours.
We utilised all of the quilting frames and machines, along with the Sweet Sixteen.

Several Ladies set about sewing metres and metres of binding on to help completely finish 16 quilts by the end of the day.
Any offcuts of fabric and wadding were not wasted either. they were swiftly packed into pillowcases, sewn up and ready to take to Hollytrees Animal Sanctuary for bedding. Another 31 are ready for delivery!
The lengths of quilts just kept growing and growing!!
And again we had some lovely visitors, this time from Acorns Hospice and Family Foster Care representatives, who see first hand the joy and comfort that the quilts bring to children who sometimes have very little to call their own.

As you can see, one even got to have a go at quilting herself!
A big thank you to Liz from Pinhole Images for taking some great photographs throughout both days. There are plenty more that can be seen on her website here
Day 1: www.pinholeimages.co.uk/Project-Linus-Day
Day 2: www.pinholeimages.co.uk/Project-Linus-Quilting-Day
or in the Gallery on my website - use the button at the bottom of this page